Saturday, January 15, 2011

lets talk about something controversial, eh?

Alright. Soooo, one thing that picks apart at my brain cells, heart and OH, not to mention, my nerves is hypocritical people. 
Ah, where to start?
It's annoying when people brag about how holy they are and what do you know, next minute they're doing something completely off the charts. Something utterly opposite of what they preach.. I mean, in all honesty, when you think about it... Who is it making look dumb? Them? Or you? I mean they are the ones feeding lies to you. But why are they feeding you their lies? Is it because they think you're too ignorant to catch on to their lies, to believe them, or simply because you're gullible and easy to confuse? I mean, c'mon now.. You can't tell me that it doesn't confuse you when, say, a week ago your friend told you one thing and this week they're doing the complete opposite. It's pretty treacherous. I know I despise it; it's annoying. Am I not right? Sheeeeeeesh. 

I can't say that I haven't done it before either. But the thing is.. as soon as I notice that mistake, I CHANGE. I REMIND MYSELF OVER AND OVER AGAIN TO LEARN FROM MY MISTAKE, SO THAT NEXT TIME, THE SAME THING WON'T HAPPEN. If I can make an effort to be better and do better, then what's stopping you?

Hang loose. I'm ouuuut.

Friday, January 14, 2011

I hopped onto the bandwagon.

Soooooooooooooo... As a result of having a facebook, a new trend was presented to me.. BLOGGING! I've never really blogged before, but I suppose now is a good time to start. I feel as if this could be a good thing; I'm getting all sorts of vibes from it.. Mostly good. This blog will most likely become my outlet.. My vent. I will try to focus on one thing, and one thing only: me. Everyone is in need of "me time;" and this could be MY me time :)

If you choose to read, I'm glad..  If not, that's fine, too. I'll try to make my blogs as interesting and mind-boggling as possible... Warning: On my bad days, I won't put up a facade to please you, I will write about what's irking me.. Whether it be a bad day at school, sleepless nights, having to clean up vomit at work, or simply just inconsiderate people. So if you don't like reading about the people I'm surrounded by (fire breathing monsters with an icebox where their hearts used to be), then get off my blog! No, totally kidding.. I'm surrounded by amazing people that truly make my heart sing.. I could never ask for more, as far as mankind goes.. Well, sometimes I could. But only on those days. Hence the bold. However, it's probably time to go keep my pillow company.. I'm surpassingly tired. (Yeeeeeeeeeeeah, I know.. sounds opasno.)